Monday, June 17, 2013

Blog vs Wiki

Blogs are like articles on a news paper where you can post your opinions of many things. The only difference is that you do not need to be hired by a company and are not paid for it. It is an individual person posting articles of their choice, and any one on the web can find it an read it if they choose to do so. People who would like to comment on someones blog can do so, but they cannot edit the actual blog posting.

Wikis on the other hand are used more to share and gather information by a group of people or companies. In other to edit a wiki page you must be invited into the group. The idea here is to be able to gather the best information possible by allowing multiple people to contribute. Unlike a blog anyone can edit any part of wiki at any given time. Wikis have become popular in companies who are working on group projects and can not be together most of the time.

Blogs and Wikis are similar in the sense that they can be found on the internet and are not created not edited by professionals. They are owned by regular people who want to share or gather information on a specific topic. Both of these tools can create a sense of community among people who share common interest. My only concern with both of these tools is the lack of censorship that they may contain since they are only controlled by the people who create them.

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